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At most City Golf Championship Tour tournaments there will be an OPTIONAL Gross Skins Game and Closest-to-the-Pin Contest, if applicable. These games & contests will be conducted simultaneously with the tournament competition.

Gross Skins Game: A skin will be awarded to the player who has the lowest score below par on a hole when compared to scores from all others players that entered the skins contest. Any ties will result in no skin being awarded on that hole. The total number of skins awarded for all 18 holes will then be divided into the collected funds to determine the dollar prize of each skin.

Skins Game for the Professional Division will be held separate from the Amateur Division.

Closest-to-the-Pin: There will be an OPTIONAL Closest-to-the Pin Contest on Par 3's
• Prize Fund will be divided by the number of Par 3 Hole Winners
• Winners will be awarded funds at the conclusion of the tournament